Recently updated on August 28th, 2024 at 09:52 am
“I have a clear view of our organisation’s digital transformation path”. This is what every CEO wants to hear but it is not something that can be said by every CIO, CSO, CTO or marketing manager. The truth is that what we refer to as digital marketing nowadays is not the same structures and processes that sprung forth during the advent of social media over a decade ago. It started out with businesses having a social media presence to augment brand awareness. Pages on social media platforms and third party websites became the company’s digital billboards. But that was back when advertising was not yet built into the ecosystem and many other technological advances in the digital arena had not yet arrived on the scene, such as the myriad evolutions in Facebook Business Manager, which has once again changed with the introduction of Meta.
Now businesses have a multitude of brilliantly useful, but often astonishingly complex tools and techniques, to improve the performance of their business, regardless of the industry in which the company operates. Unfortunately many enterprises have understandably struggled to adapt efficiently, as methods and means have evolved at break-neck speed. Social media platforms themselves have grown into complicated systems of data collection and monitoring that require a fair amount of learning to be able to operate properly on the back-end.
The factors of the modern digital marketplace have instituted a division of learning in economic practice. There are levels to this. Most people have a basic understanding of the front-end of digital media, how to consume content on social media, but few have any real experience or knowledge of how these tools operate on the back-end; ie. how to produce effective content for consumption and implement it efficiently across various platforms. A knowledgeable workforce is key to running an efficient digital transformation of your company’s operations. An individual’s knowledge of the instruments they use is of supreme importance to finding success when undertaking this task. A bad worker may blame their tools but even the most skilled person will be undermined by bad tools or a blindspot in their knowledge base. Companies must figure out which tool suits their needs and which employees need to be educated in the proficient use of relevant instruments. This can be a costly exercise in terms of time and funding when undertaken with minimal understanding of the process, with its many parts, and the wider context within which it occurs. However, when digital transformation is done correctly, the income obviates the cost and the rewards far outweigh the risks.
Digital Doorway offers businesses the chance to work with teams of specialists who can provide bespoke solutions for a multitude of issues that are raised when a company embarks on the digital transformation journey. Whether the goal is to upskill the internal team or augment it with external industry professionals, Digital Doorway can help provide answers to many of the questions that are inevitably raised during this evolutionary process. Get in touch to find out more.
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[…] Investing in digital requires an organisation’s working environment to be capable of embracing multifaceted change. Digital transformation brings the opportunity to leverage technology that improves efficiency, enhances customer experiences, enables innovation and keeps organisations competitive in the modern business landscape. […]