• IntroToLinkedInDDAn Introduction to LinkedIn
    An Introduction to LinkedIn
    LinkedIn is not a typical social media service. Some argue that LinkedIn isn’t social media at all. What is agreed upon is that LinkedIn is a social network. But it does operate very differently than Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, primarily because it is professionally oriented. Since this is their unique...
  • Digital_IcebergThe Digital Marketing Iceberg
    The Digital Marketing Iceberg
    “I have a clear view of our organisation’s digital transformation path”. This is what every CEO wants to hear but it is not something that can be said by every CIO, CSO, CTO or marketing manager. The truth is that what we refer to as digital marketing nowadays is not...
  • How to match metrics with objectivesHow to Match Metrics with Objectives
    How to Match Metrics with Objectives
    Marketing activities need to have a clearly defined objective. Without knowing what the purpose of your marketing activities are, you won’t be able to know which metrics to analyse to know whether the activities were successful or not. Marketing objectives can be defined by inspecting the types of content you’re...
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