• FunnelFlywheel_MarkedFrom Funnel to Flywheel – The Centrifugal Model
    From Funnel to Flywheel – The Centrifugal Model
    A centrifugal fan uses those forces of physics to push air in a specific direction. Usually out of the fan itself. When it comes to business and applying similar ideas of forces (utilizing technological and social advances) to a company’s lead generation and conversion process, the movement is directed inward...
  • How to match metrics with objectivesHow to Match Metrics with Objectives
    How to Match Metrics with Objectives
    Marketing activities need to have a clearly defined objective. Without knowing what the purpose of your marketing activities are, you won’t be able to know which metrics to analyse to know whether the activities were successful or not. Marketing objectives can be defined by inspecting the types of content you’re...
  • Reporting GlossaryThe Marketing Reporting Glossary
    The Marketing Reporting Glossary
    When it comes to reporting the outcomes of marketing activities the actual meaning of what is going on can get lost in all the jargon. To help you navigate the waters of marketing language we have put together a glossary of marketing reporting terms for you to peruse. ​​Common Reporting...
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