- Building Your Brand Using a Flywheel ModelThe flywheel model is a game-changer for your branding efforts. Discover how to build momentum that fuels lasting growth and sets your brand apart.
- New Customer ExperiencesWith a customer-centric marketing strategy in place it becomes imperative to give your customers unique brand experiences. How do you upgrade your customer experiences? It begins with understanding that most consumers consider themselves ‘channel agnostic’, meaning that the border between the online and offline marketing worlds has been blurred. So...
- Customer-centric MarketingThe age old adage that “the customer is always right” still rings true in the era of digital transformation. Regardless of your business offering or target market, the goal of creating awareness with potential or returning customers at key points in the purchasing process is vital to success. Having a...
- From Funnel to Flywheel – The Centrifugal ModelA centrifugal fan uses those forces of physics to push air in a specific direction. Usually out of the fan itself. When it comes to business and applying similar ideas of forces (utilizing technological and social advances) to a company’s lead generation and conversion process, the movement is directed inward...
- How to Match Metrics with ObjectivesMarketing activities need to have a clearly defined objective. Without knowing what the purpose of your marketing activities are, you won’t be able to know which metrics to analyse to know whether the activities were successful or not. Marketing objectives can be defined by inspecting the types of content you’re...