• May.2023.Start marketing with MetaStart marketing with Meta
    Start marketing with Meta
    Introduction to Meta technologies In this blog we will review how to use Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp to establish an online marketing presence for your business. Many business owners are unsure of the value that social media offers them, this article aims to make clear the marketing benefits and features...
  • IntroToLinkedInDDAn Introduction to LinkedIn
    An Introduction to LinkedIn
    LinkedIn is not a typical social media service. Some argue that LinkedIn isn’t social media at all. What is agreed upon is that LinkedIn is a social network. But it does operate very differently than Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, primarily because it is professionally oriented. Since this is their unique...
  • google-ranking-factorsRoute to Ready – Digital Transformation by Google
    Route to Ready – Digital Transformation by Google
    It is no secret that since the global pandemic most businesses had to adapt to some kind of digital structures, both internally (the way their teams talk to each other, Zoom) and externally (the way the brand talks to customers). Digital Transformation became the buzzword. Unfortunately like most buzzwords the...
  • Digital_IcebergThe Digital Marketing Iceberg
    The Digital Marketing Iceberg
    “I have a clear view of our organisation’s digital transformation path”. This is what every CEO wants to hear but it is not something that can be said by every CIO, CSO, CTO or marketing manager. The truth is that what we refer to as digital marketing nowadays is not...
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